Research Experience
My research background is in health policy, health services research and clinical epidemiology. I have particular expertise in applying these research methods in primary care settings. My research has allowed me to acquire expertise in medical statistics, clinical epidemiology, and the use of routine data sources and large administrative databases. More recently, I have begun a programme of international research in collaboration with researchers from the USA and Europe. I have worked extensively with government organisations, such as health authorities, primary care trusts, hospitals, and the Department of Health, as well as with voluntary organisations and commercial companies.
Research & Policy Services
The Department of Primary Care & Public Health at Imperial College London offers a variety of service, ranging from study design and data collection to sophisticated analysis and reporting for clinicians, policy-makers and senior management. We bring enormous breadth and depth of research expertise, through our ties to customers in all sectors of healthcare, and our ready access to large research databases, and our long history of public and private sector projects.
Examples of our work include:
- Retrospective and prospective outcomes studies.
- Cost-of-illness studies.
- Return-on-investment analyses.
- Health and productivity studies.
Chronic care and disability research
- Evaluations of programs that purchase medical and supportive services
- Design and implementation of new program models
- Development of comprehensive quality improvement programs for persons with chronic illness and disability
- Analysis of large and complex data sets
- Analyses of acute and chronic illness
- Funding & organisation of health services
- Public-private partnerships
- Research on managed care.
- Reporting of performance measures to the public.
Teaching Experience
I have extensive experience of teaching clinical and research skills. I teach clinical and primary care skills to medical students and junior doctors in both general practice and hospital medicine. I teach research methods to junior doctors and non-medical researchers. I provide supervision for doctors who are writing theses for higher degrees. I have been a MFPHM part 2 examiner. I provide training in measuring quality and performance in health care to senior clinicians and managers.
Clinical Experience
My clinical background is in general practice. I have expertise in general adult medicine, cardiovascular medicine, dermatology and infectious diseases.